Systematic Continuous Improvement (SCI) Insights

The great suggestion box fiasco.

The great suggestion box fiasco.

At Acme Widgets, a fictional firm that learned a real-life lesson, the management team thought they had a great idea. "We'll implement a suggestion box!" they declared, envisioning a utopia of ideas f... ...more


December 09, 20242 min read

Embracing gratitude for continuous improvement.

Embracing gratitude for continuous improvement.

With Thanksgiving just past and the rest of the holiday season ahead of us, this is an ideal time for thoughtful leaders to show their gratitude not just for what their employees do, but for what they... ...more


December 02, 20242 min read

Who whould've thought?

Who whould've thought?

I continue to shake my head at how shortsighted some managers can be when it comes to recognizing the value of getting employees engaged in continuous improvement processes. ...more


November 25, 20241 min read

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Les Landes

Les Landes


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turned on and eager to go above and beyond.